
Сериал Главный конструктор
Алексей Крыченков, Александр Пороховщиков, Борис Невзоров, Борис Борисов, Валентина Панина, Владимир Гусев (I), Владимир Суворов, Николай Пеньков (II), Нуржуман Ихтымбаев, Юрий Каюров
Владимир Семаков
драмы, исторические, отечественные
сериал полностью из 2

В фильме "Сотворение брони" главный герой конструктор Кошкин М. И, который является создателем знаменитого танка Т 34 ( известный во всем мире).
Я был completely taken aback by the sheer lack of reviews and comments about this remarkable series. The fact that it tells the story of the creation of the legendary T-34 tank, and introduces us to the brilliant mind behind its design, Mikhail Il'ich Kotkin, only adds to my astonishment. I must confess that I had never seen this series before, but now I am unable to contain my emotions and impressions from all that I have witnessed.
I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the creators of this masterpiece - director Vladimir Semakov and screenwriter Anatoly Galiev, who managed to transport historical events onto the screen with such precision and accuracy. The script was written based on the book by renowned writer Ya. Reznik, "The Birth of Armor." As someone who has devoured a vast amount of literature, I have been able to compare books and events presented in this series. And I must say that all is presented quite realistically, considering the fact that our country was struggling to develop military technology as quickly as possible, and strengthen its army, given the feeling of an impending war.
It is also worth noting that the series focuses primarily on the tank's maiden voyage from Kharkov to Moscow, which was undertaken by the two first T-34 tanks. This daring feat served as a testament to the determination and perseverance of our Soviet army, which was able to defend us against fascism.
One could say that this series is dedicated to this very tank's journey. The entire ordeal took place in challenging conditions, far from good roads, through villages and outskirts, during springtime, when the landscape is not exactly conducive to such a transition. And yet, the tanks made it to their destination. Mikhail Kotkin was portrayed exceptionally well by actor Boris Nevzorov, who managed to accurately convey the character's essence and state.
From history, we know that Kotkin was a resolute, determined, and uncompromising individual who always achieved his goals. Therefore, he was not one to back down from challenges, including those posed by tanks. Other talented actors, such as V. Paniya, V. Gusov, Yu. Kayurov, I. Dmirtyev, and many more, also played important roles in this series.
However, there is one minor drawback - a slight inaccuracy. In the filming of this series, T-34-85 tanks were used. Although such models did not appear until the second half of 1944, nearly three years after Kotkin's untimely death. It is worth noting that these models have significant external differences and creators should have been aware of this. In those times, they had the opportunity to create exactly the tanks designed by this legendary constructor.
Additionally, the tank's journey through snowy terrain was presented in the series, although such weather conditions are vastly different from those experienced in Kharkov during March 1940.
All of these minor flaws aside, the series has proven to be extremely interesting, informative, engaging, and memorable. It is a pleasure to recognize that this legendary constructor was honored with the privilege of being the main protagonist of the series, where he presented his magnum opus - the T-34 tank. This very tank has been immortalized in many European cities as a testament to the bravery and might of our Soviet army, which successfully defended us against fascism.
The film has turned out to be quite powerful, interesting, and accurate, making it a must-see for everyone. We should know such individuals as the main protagonist and understand that he made an invaluable contribution to our country's military might.
Thank you for your attention and all the best!
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