
Сериал Машины, которые создали Америку / The Cars That Made America
Ричард Бак, Майкл Бальцано III, H.W. Brands
сериал полностью из 3
Первый сезон популярного сериала " Машины, которые создали Америку" посвящен сорокалетней истории американского машиностроения: настоящие легендарные машины для простых людей и настоящих ценителей красоты ежедневной езды на машине. Эти имена известны всем братьям Фордам ( Джон Форд ), Генри Шевроле, Дэвид Бьюик — изобретатели автомобиля!
Вне сомнений, среди фигур, которые известны всем, является Генри Форд. Однако, когда смотришь документальный проект об автомобильной промышленности и о людях, которые изменили мир, то узнаешь также и о братьях Додж или Уолтере Крайслере. Каждый эпизод этого сериала был показан не формально, а с точки зрения погружения в ту эпоху. Люди верили в свою идею, у них ничего не было, но они были талантливы и убеждены в своих силах или просто с любовью делали то, что им нравилось.
Генри Форд считался неудачником, но он показал себя с сильной стороны. Его детище можно было рассматривать как стартап, в который не инвестировали люди, но если сегодня есть различные площадки, то раньше людям приходилось делать все самим. Генри Форд был человеком идеи, инженером, маркетологом и сильным управленцем. Онneeded to be all of these things at once.
It's possible that some people might think that in the past there was no high competition and that Henry Ford simply made a car and became rich through mass production. However, the documentary showed us how it actually was. It was not just about making a car; it was about creating an industry. When someone makes a breakthrough, they show how difficult it is to maintain leading positions.
In some ways, this reminded me of when oil first started being used. One person put up a pole, and then hundreds more were created around it. Later, Rockefeller came along and looked at everything economically and globally. It's the "think big" approach that allows companies to reduce costs, negotiate better conditions, for example, logistics with railroad companies.
Large companies can even use dumping to eliminate unnecessary ones. I'm absolutely sure that this documentary series will be watched with admiration not just by boys and men, but by everyone, including entrepreneurs. The conditions were no less challenging for business in the past, so the project will serve as motivation for more effective work.
By the way, the authors even compared Henry Ford to Steve Jobs. This suggests that the principles of successful people are the same, and what I mean by "successful" is not always the result, but their life position. They have a different psychology, different views, and they're passionate about realizing their project or idea. They're willing to risk everything they have.
This can be looked at from different angles, but they see the world further ahead; they're inspired by their future work; they're maximally motivated. Their meaning of life is in this. After watching the series, I had a high emotional boost, as if I'd taken a deep breath of fresh air. But beyond all that, it's very clear that competition will be extremely high, and there's no concept of fairness or unfairness.
Business is brutal. Where big money is involved, people may not always be able to stay true to themselves. You can also learn about the people who developed the auto industry and whose names are more known as car brands than as just the people who created them.
I found all this quite fascinating. So, I recommend that you do too. Watch "Machines That Created America." Many people can now afford a car, and maybe they don't appreciate it that much anymore. But what if we didn't have cars? The world would be completely different. However, the rapid development led to wars, market division, and the desire to gain influence has always been present.
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