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Сериал Мир в огне 2 сезон / World On Fire 2 season
Джона Хауэр-Кинг, Julia Brown, Зофиа Вихлач, Ирса Дэйли-Уорд, Паркер Сойерс, Брайан Дж. Смит, Джоао Реи Виллар, Томаш Зетэк, Ансу Кабиа, Eugénie Derouand
Чания Баттон, Адам Смит, Энди Уилсон
сезон полностью (TVShows) из 6

Нэнси – военный корреспондент из страны Содружества Независимых Государств, которая попала в историю Второй Мировой войны. Она первый человек узнавший о том что немцы атаковали Францию до начала ВОВ.
>> Сезон 2
Мир в огне / World On Fire
Мир в огне - это драматическое шоу с насыщенным историческим фоном, которое вращается вокруг Второй мировой войны. Однако, при всей привлекательности его темы и попытках привлечь внимание к полякам, которые так часто упускаются из виду, Мир в огне страдает от нескольких существенных недостатков.
Первым положительным моментом является то, что сценаристы уделяют внимание Польше, которая так часто игнорируется при описании Второй мировой войны. Но есть и большие сюжетные дыры, начиная с истории молодого беженца, который каким-то образом manages to keep this a secret and almost never says anything to anyone. Honestly, he does it throughout the entire series to such an extent that it becomes absurd.
I genuinely enjoy the idea of using characters from different countries and then connecting them as the series unfolds. However, the biggest flaw is that you start wondering if the screenwriters forgot about some characters or have too many characters to keep track of, which results in forced scenes where they all come together, with character development not occurring as desired.
The biggest flaw of this series is that it seems like the screenwriters are rewriting a large part of history to make it more appealing to Generation Z. Unlike true historical dramas such as SAS Rogue Heroes and "Call the Midwife", "World on Fire" shatters between wanting to be involved in a war show and wanting to combine it with a large number of views that you would see in 2019, not in 1939. Instead of staying true to the time, the screenwriters get off track, and roles turn into melodrama. They create big, explosive military scenes, but only some of them seem fitting. The storyline involving a German child takes such a turn that it is completely unrelated to what we have seen so far.
Women, except for the mother of the main character, are straight out of this decade, which can almost distract you. You also very well understand the idea of trying to achieve diversity quotas, actually not affecting the largest population that was slaughtered by the Nazis: the Jewish people.
On one hand, yes, it is fiction, but the number of Polish and French Jews who were killed - it's almost a secondary mention. They show them, but most of them don't have any real story dedicated to them. For such a large historical event that came close to destroying a population, almost a crime not having a strong Jewish main character.
Oddly enough, "World on Fire" is something I can imagine someone who loved "Gossip Girl" and "The Vampire Diaries" would come up with if they decided to make a drama about the current period of World War II. This show is not terrible, but the lack of accuracy when it tries to be so serious can throw you off balance.
If you barely or don't understand history at all, you might enjoy "World on Fire". If you were born in 1999 or later, then this was probably written for you. Overall, I recommend this as long as you understand and are not opposed to the above warnings.
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