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Сериал Наше время пришло 1 сезон / Vår tid är nu 1 season

The Restaurant
Хедда Штайнстед, Чарли Густафссон, Сюзанн Рейтер, Маттиас Нордквист, Адам Лундгрен, Йозефин Нельден, Анна Бйелькеру, Расмус Троедссон, Питер Далле, Каролина Сёдерштрём
Харальд Хамрелль, Молли Хартлеб
В центре внимания фильма " Наше Время пришло" двое молодых людей в Стокгольме. Первый взгляд на друг друга и первые чувства с первого взгляда, дальше долгая история любви к ближнему.
И вот наступил день, когда weighed-down-by-the-burden-of-war era finally came to an end. It was a resounding triumph, a collective euphoria that seemed to permeate the very air we breathed. Yet, for some, this moment of liberation was not quite as radiant... as if they had lived through a parallel life, one that had ensnared them in its own peculiar way. Meanwhile, our protagonists - a stalwart duo, really - harbored grand expectations for their future. Their story began with an impromptu encounter amidst the jubilant throngs celebrating Germany's capitulation in Stockholm. He was hastening to his first day on the job as a chef, while she had invited her friends to celebrate at her family's restaurant... and then, in a flash of inspiration (or perhaps just plain recklessness), he decided to plant one on her before beating a hasty retreat. This series, in all its cinematic glory, is aptly named for its meticulous attention to period detail. The creators have managed to capture the essence of that bygone era with uncanny precision, imbuing their narrative with the very anxieties and optimism of those halcyon days. Our hero's lot in life was not an easy one; he worked tirelessly, driven by a deep sense of purpose... and yet, this opportunity was a source of boundless joy. Then, as if fate itself had ordained it, they crossed paths once more - the very same young woman who had left such an indelible mark on his heart. Watching them unfold their tale is nothing short of captivating. I must confess that I developed a strong affinity for our protagonists' distinct personalities. And then there was the clever decision to pair characters from different socioeconomic strata, ensuring a rich tapestry of storylines that would delight audiences!