
Сериал Общага / Общагасы
Карина Адигамова, Саламат Алиев, Евгений Цой, Нурбек Савитахунов, Шахзода Матчанова, Ситора Фармонова
Камила Абдиль, Эльдияр Кененсаров
мелодрамы, комедия
сериал полностью из 25
Тахмина, Азамат и Мээрим главные герои сериала « Общага ». Они влюблены в любовь к себе; она надеется на помощь отца (отца) но не может понять последствий беспечной жизни. Дрей же пытается исправить положение: он ищет способ найти свое счастье с богатым родителем - его спасают собственные слова о любви из-под родительского крыла...
Вот та феноменальная вещь, которая я впервые встретила в моей жизни - кыргизстанский сериал "Общага". Название сразу бросается в глаза, и я понимаю, что история о молодых людях, которые живут вместе в общежитии. Это не только о людях, приехавших из других городов, сел или деревень, но и о студентах, вынужденных уезжать от дома для получения образования.
В общежитие встречаются люди с совершенно разными жизнями, дети из семейств, которые не похожи друг на друга. Сын богатого мужчины отказывается от отцовского содержания и решает стать самостоятельным, а девушка, захотевшая научиться всему, что ее сестра не делала, уезжает из дома.
В сериале встречаются ребята Мэрим, Дрей, Азамат, Тахмина - они все дружные и отзывчивые. Их жизнь не похожа на нашу, although there may be some similarities. The girls are all very different, some being modest and others being outgoing and attention-seeking, trying to present themselves as queens.
Despite the differences between the boys from various social classes, they seem much simpler than the girls. They are easy-going and approachable, and their relationships with each other are genuine. It's unclear what will happen in their lives in the dormitory, but it seems that they will learn a lot from each other.
Many of us have lived in dormitories, and some people may not remember this time as particularly traumatic. The children I know personally are normal and well-adjusted, and they haven't gotten lost in an unknown abyss.
I think that the students who went through the dormitory, like these boys, have been tempered by fire and water, and now they are the most prepared for life. This series is very similar to what we see every day - a completely natural story without any embellishments.
One of the guys decides to eat at night and sneaks into the kitchen to start snatching food from someone else's plate. This also seems like a normal story when people eat someone else's food without asking.
This series is very close to our own "University" story, where young people from completely different families try to learn how to live independently. I think this series is harmless, but it's definitely not suitable for young children - only adults should watch it.
I personally really enjoyed the series, and it's just a shame that sometimes they switch to their native language and I don't understand what they're talking about. The acting cast was also chosen very well - everything is very nice and refined.
At night, a theft occurs in the women's block, where one of the girls loses her documents and money, and all this is due to one of her new neighbors. This is already a completely different story. Meanwhile, the girl who stole the money from her new neighbor is having a great time at the nightclub with rich guys, deceiving them about her background. It will all be revealed later.
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