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Сериал Слишком поздно для любви / Too late to say I love

Lai Bu Ji Shuo Wo Ai Ni
Коу Чжэнь Хай, Уоллес Чун, Тань Кай, Ли Сяо Жань, Ци Фан
Цан Лай Чунь
1-36 серия из 36 (06.01.2019)
Эта дорама написана Фэй Ва Си Кун, в ее основе лежит известная комедия " Слишком поздно для сказать : Я тебя люблю". Действие происходит на вокзале. Молодой человек получает выговор за торговлю наркотиками и попал под суд как торговец запрещенными препаратом...
Если вы увлекаетесь романтическими и эмоционально насыщенными кинопродукциями, то данный сериал безусловно оставит вас в восторге и исполненным счастья. Я не могуadequately convey all the emotions and sentiments that I am experiencing, so the impressions left by this series are truly delightful and unforgettable. It is a pleasure to express my gratitude to Director Tsan Lai Chun for once again proving her ability to create outstanding and memorable films. Before us lies a stunning, refined, romantic, and heart-wrenching story, which has been successfully brought to life by the creators and actors. Everything looked fantastic, with a script that was simply superb, so there are no complaints whatsoever regarding these details. The acting ensemble also left me deeply impressed, as here we have talented, professional, and radiant characters. The main protagonists were played by Wallace Chan and Lee Xiaoyun Zhuan. Between them, there is a genuine, sincere, and true love that we can see in various manifestations. All of this will unfold against the backdrop of military actions on the battlefield. And we will also witness numerous intricate plots, both in the struggle for power and for the heart of the main hero. As a result, the love between Mu Ren Feng and Yin Zhen Wen becomes even stronger and more resilient. The main character is revealed to be an extremely jealous person who wants the object of his desires to belong only to him and no one else. At the same time, we see him as a very kind, gentle, caring, and attentive man who treats his beloved girlfriend with tender loving care. My skin crawled with excitement when I saw scenes of their rare, intimate encounters on screen. It is truly fantastic and emotionally charged to watch. The female lead appears to be a charming, well-groomed, educated, and sensitive young woman who simply captivates us with her inner charm. She has the ability to find common ground with anyone, so it will be very pleasant to look at her. When these two met, there was no longer any room for feelings for someone else. They were completely consumed by each other, so watching their pure and endless love was incredibly interesting. This drama aims to convey a very simple and understandable message to all of us. Love is an extremely important thing, and we must be willing to fight for it until the end. If these are genuine emotions, then they can withstand any trials and tribulations. Sometimes, a person becomes completely disillusioned with everything and no longer wants to take risks, so they choose a completely different path that requires them to compromise their principles and views. But if you are prepared to face all challenges and emerge victorious, then fate will reward you and help you achieve your desired outcome. Thank you for your attention and pleasant viewing!