
Сериал Странствия Синдбада
Андрей Смелов, Яков Кучеревский, Игорь Иванов, Азиз Бейшеналиев, Евгения Игумнова, Олег Гераськин, Максим Брызгалин, Антон Багров, Александр Блок, Владимир Брик
Ким Дружинин
детективы, отечественные
15-16 серия из 16

Синдбад, который много пережил в жизни и теперь решил жить спокойно на берегу моря. Его разыскивает адвокат Раббани он ищет его из-за того что тот не вмешивается ни во какие дела своего бывшего друга адвоката Торри... Но когда Смит приезжает к нему домой с новым предложением от него : вернуться назад под стражу для убийства арабского лидера; убийца хочет освободить исламский лидер.
И вот мы ourselves are transported to the captivating realm of "The Travels of Sindbad-Malik", a thrilling adventure that defies comparison with its predecessors. This time, the reins are held by none other than Kim Drutskov, whose masterful direction ensures that the narrative is as engaging as it is unpredictable.
As a connoisseur of Petersburg's cinematic treasures, I must confess that my expectations were exceeded in every regard. The production values may be modest, yet the overall impact is anything but meager. It's as if the city's unique energy has been distilled into each frame, imbuing the entire experience with an unmistakable je ne sais quoi.
Now, let us proceed to the crux of the matter – "The Travels of Sindbad-Malik" itself. This eight-part series is divided into two distinct story arcs, both featuring familiar protagonists. The initial 8 episodes, titled "The Road North", are a masterclass in pacing and tension, expertly weaving together disparate threads to create a rich tapestry.
As we delve into the latter half of the series, "The Road West", the stakes become even higher. A sudden twist: Russian assassin Viktor Kuznetsov eliminates President Haled, setting off a chain reaction that propels the narrative forward with breakneck speed. Meanwhile, a separate thread unfolds, as an enigmatic CIA operative (no doubt a familiar face to fans of previous films) requests that four women, posing as Red Cross workers, be extracted from a war-torn nation. Little do they know, however, that these 'volunteers' are actually the concubines of the deceased president...
In conclusion, I wholeheartedly recommend "The Travels of Sindbad-Malik" to anyone seeking a cinematic experience that will keep them on the edge of their seat. With its intricate plotting and masterful pacing, this series is an absolute must-see.)
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