
Сериал Святая / Seijo
Риоко Хиросуэ, Кэнто Нагаяма, Мисако Рэмбуцу, Шо Аояги, Марико Тсутсуи, Томоко Табата, Ёдзи Танака, Ёшико Накада, Иттоку Кисибэ, Мэй Синохара
Акира Хибино, Hideo Mizumura
7 серия из 7

Я познакомился с Марией, которая была студенткой в университете и подрабатывала репетиторством. ( Теперь она вернулась на родину; теперь уже со мной! ) Меня зовут Джон Сноуден - известный адвокат по делу о серии ужасных убийств...
What a wonderful day fate has in store for him, and they meet again, but not in the most ordinary way. Let me try to tell you as vividly as possible how it all began, because from this very moment on, everything becomes incredibly interesting.
After years of becoming an extremely promising lawyer, Haruki's life had become monotonously one-dimensional, with no hints that he would soon be given a chance to see his first love, Maria, again. But little did he know, fate had something extraordinary in store for him. It turned out that Maria was suspected of attempting to murder two wealthy people, and it was only natural that Haruki couldn't believe she could have done such a thing.
Despite the overwhelming evidence against her, Haruki is determined to defend her with all his might, as he refuses to believe she's capable of committing such a heinous crime. As we watch each new episode unfold, we'll be treated to the most incredible adventures, as our main characters become entangled in the most unbelievable misadventures.
But the most interesting part awaits us at the very end, when we'll finally learn whether Haruki will be able to stand up for his client's honor. I won't spoil it for you by revealing how everything turns out in the end, because I'm sure you'd agree that watching it unfold would be far more exciting.
As a result of my having watched this series, I must say that I was thoroughly impressed by the acting skills of the main heroine, Maria - Rieko Hirosue. She did an outstanding job of bringing her character to life, conveying all the emotional turmoil and angst with ease. Her mannerisms and facial expressions told the story themselves.
Take, for instance, that scene where she writes a letter to her loved one saying she wants to be with him in two years and gazes into his eyes... It was as if I was watching her own life story unfold! The way she brought her character to life is simply incomparable. Her image is truly unforgettable - a bright and cheerful girl who loves wearing white outfits, but beneath that radiant exterior lies the image of a rather rock-solid beauty.
As for Haruki's role - Kento Nagaya - he left me wanting more than what was presented. He's a lawyer who becomes entangled in this complex case, and while his acting is decent, I felt like there was room for improvement.
In conclusion, I highly recommend watching the series "Saint" to all viewers, regardless of whether or not it has received rave reviews. Who knows? You might just discover that this mini-series is one of the best you've ever seen, just as I did. So, take some time off and indulge in this extraordinary story!
Если вы ожидайте захватывающего детективного приключения, то, к сожалению, это не ваш случай. Драма присутствует в избытке, а детектива – в минимуме.
Не могу сказать, что актеры играли плохо; наоборот, их исполнение было бы оценено высоко Станиславским. Однако, для меня сериал потерял интерес, а финал был предсказуемым и не оставил после себя сильного впечатления.
Сюжет имеет свои достоинства – есть расследования, есть дебаты в зале суда (как можно снять такую "горячую тему" столь скучно?), а также личная линия. Но, к сожалению, не хватает энергии и интенсивности, чтобы создать впечатление на зрителя.
В целом, сериал получился нудным и монотонным, что привело к его низкой оценке – 2 из 10. Возможно, экономия была направлена на операторов, монтажистов или композиторов; но может быть, это было сделано на всем вместе.
Сериал лишен динамизма и не оставляет после себя сильного впечатления. Вместо этого, он надолго привносит зрителю скучность и монотонность, что делает его недостойным внимания.
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