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Сериал Военнопленный 2 сезон / Hatufim 2 season

Заложники войны, Prisoners of war
Галь Зайд, Яэль Эйтан, Салим Дау, Сэнди Бар, Хадар Ратсон Ротем, Яэль Абекассис, Мили Авитал, Асси Коэн, Ади Эзрони, Ишай Голан
Гидеон Рафф
14 серия (DexterTV) из 14 (27.05.2016)
Они двое военнопленных, которых отправили на верную смерть ради свободы. Альтернатива – свобода не только для них...
Вступая в мир сериалов, я не мог не обратить внимания на заголовок "Родина", который вызвал у меня интерес и спровоцировал поиск информации о его создателе Гидеоне Раффе. Вдруг я обнаружил, что это не оригинальная работа, а адаптация сериала "Военнопленные" самого Гидеона Раффа. Вполне понятно, почему автор chose this title, because it's not just about one prisoner of war, but about many, and the psychological themes that arise from their experiences. The series poses questions like: "What would we do in their shoes?" "Should we trade our own citizens for terrorists who have caused significant harm to Israel?" The series follows two prisoners of war who return to Israel after spending 17 years in captivity in Syria. They were subjected to brutal treatment and as a result, the series is not suitable for those with weak psyches. The viewer may experience a range of emotions while watching this series. We see how individuals change when they are faced with the harsh reality of war. Their behavior, fears, and psyche undergo a significant transformation. When prisoners return home, they are no longer the same people they used to be. The series also explores the impact on families who have been separated from their loved ones for 17 long years. The events in the series are relatively static compared to its analogues. In this Israeli series, traditions play an important role, adding a unique cultural depth to the story. It's worth noting that "Войны пленные" is the original source material for both "Родина" and "Homeland". While those shows may have been inspired by similar themes and events, they are not identical to this series. "Войны пленные" is a more intense and thought-provoking project than its American counterparts. In conclusion, "Войны пленные" is a well-crafted psychological thriller that tackles timely issues, and I'm glad I got to experience the original work.