
Сериал Зовите меня Фитц 2 сезон / Call Me Fitz 2 season
Джейсон Пристли, Питер МакНейл, Донаван Стинсон, Эрни Грюнвольд, Трэйси Доусон, Хусейн Мадхавджи, Шон Шетти, Кэтлин Манро, Эми Слоун, Брук Невин
Скотт Смит, Джеймс Дженн, Джейсон Пристли

Но, если бы он только продавал старые автомобили ( а это не самое лучшее качество для него ), то его партнер Гарри пытается изменить ситуацию героя Фитца: сделать более внимательным ко всем людям.
>> Сезон 2
Зовите меня Фитц / Call Me Fitz
Канадский телесериал, запущенный в 2010 году, успел просуществовать четыре сезона, но на мой взгляд, его создатели не сумели достичь ожидаемого уровня успешности. Я была forced to watch only the first two seasons, because I simply lacked the strength to continue following this underwhelming project.
To be honest, I expected a comedy series with plenty of humor and wit, but what I got was a dull and uneventful show that failed to elicit any real emotions or reactions from me. The characters, in my opinion, were woefully underdeveloped and lacked the depth and complexity necessary to make them relatable or endearing.
The attempts at humor fell flat, with most episodes featuring cringe-worthy moments and awkward dialogue that only served to further frustrate me. Even the usually reliable Jason Priestley, who played one of the main characters, couldn't salvage the show's poor quality.
The plot, which centered around a protagonist who becomes trapped between his old life and new opportunities after a car accident, was weak and uninspired. The idea of a person's conscience manifesting physically and trying to help him change for the better was an interesting concept, but it was executed poorly and failed to spark any real interest or curiosity.
In conclusion, I was thoroughly unimpressed with this series and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. The only redeeming quality was Jason Priestley's presence, but even that wasn't enough to save the show from its overall mediocrity. Thank you for wasting your time reading my thoughts on this underwhelming project!
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