
Сериал Легенда о Цзинь Янь / The Legend of Jin Yan
Feng Gui Si Shi Ge
Ляо Хуэй Цзя, Чэнь Цзин Кэ, Чжоу И Жань, Ли Ин, Чжао Яо Кэ, Сюй Я Тин
Сунь Кай Кай
исторические, мелодрамы
34 серия из 34

Цзинь Янь молодая девушка, которая всю жизнь изучала военную науку и при этом сохранила женственность. Историческая встреча происходит на глазах главных героев сериалов: они познакомились ближе друг к другу!
В наше время, когда все вокруг Seems to revolve around the relentless pursuit of pleasure and instant gratification, it's refreshing to find something that shines with a warm, golden light. I was born in the 80s, when the notion of intimacy and romance seemed more genuine, but even then, relationships between loving people were starting to lose their mystique.
The sexual revolution, which began to gain momentum around that time, brought about a seismic shift in our collective consciousness. Suddenly, what was once considered private became public domain, and we began to regulate it with reckless abandon, often mocking its very existence.
Do you remember how mothers used to treat their daughters? They would cradle them like princesses, imbuing them with dignity and nurturing care, as if they were destined for something greater. Not the fake freedom or pampering that some privileged youth tout today, but genuine worthiness.
When I look around at what's happening now, it's like the lyrics from that song: "In this world, I'm a guest who hasn't passed through yet; from everywhere, there's a chill in the air..." It's as if our values have been turned upside down, and few people even mention dignity anymore.
The rise of dramas has become a sort of desperate attempt to fill this void. When you gaze upon those magnificent palaces, respect, admiration, and the cultivation of virtue take center stage. Of course, it doesn't leave you feeling indifferent. There's something that tugs at your very soul, reminding you of the way you were raised as a princess.
It's as if, with a flick of a magic wand, everything I dreamed about comes to life in these dramas. A love story, tied to a ruling dynasty and a series of seemingly chance events that could only have occurred in the most daring fantasies or been brought to life in a drama.
The original storyline didn't seem particularly complex at first; it started simply enough, and even I thought it would be a one-episode wonder. But then came the naivety of the heroine, the intricate web of tragic circumstances that left me unable to leave this series behind.
Of course, there are moments that walk the line between fantasy and reality, like scenes where characters are lifted off the ground or float above the water as if angels had brought them down from heaven. Or when they're submerged in a river and can't climb out – it's a bit reminiscent of Indian films with their over-the-top special effects.
These nuances don't occur just once; you quickly become accustomed to them. However, I'm willing to overlook all this because the series is so endearing. Therefore, I highly recommend it to young women of all ages, as its naivety and whimsical elements are what draw us to such dramas. When men fight for you, when they protect your life with their own, and when they're always there to catch you when you stumble – my heart beats wildly in response.
Of course, after dozens of episodes, I'll be waiting for the moment when she finally allows him to tenderly brush his lips against hers. And I won't agree to sex on the first date.
I hope there will be more dramas with even better special effects and a continuous stream of love, tenderness, dignity, and mystery.
I'll continue watching, eager to see if love ultimately prevails or if it's all just a facade that crumbles beneath the weight of reality.
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